Generation Diversity in Enterprise Agile. Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of my Enterprise Agility blog series. In Enterprise Agility part 1, we looked at pace of agile adoption. In part 2, let’s discuss the impact of agile change programmes on people from different age generations.

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About Simon Chandler

Simon feels passionately about continuous learning and improvement. Loves a good chat on Product Ownership & Agile Transformation.

Enterprise Agile at Pace or Steady as She Goes? Part 1

Throughout my career I’ve seen a lot of change but I like to think I’ve thrived on it. Agile is the latest change effecting and exciting me. Still a novice, my understanding has developed to a point where I am starting to understand some of the nuances around adoption of agile at scale. In my first attempt at blogging I will share some of my reflections on agile to date. This is the first of a three part series.

Enterprise Agile at Pace, Simon Chandler,
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About Simon Chandler

Simon feels passionately about continuous learning and improvement. Loves a good chat on Product Ownership & Agile Transformation.